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How to Apply
应用很简单! Click here 查看流程、录取标准和所需文件.
澳门威尼斯人网上赌场将招收任何种族的学生, color, nationality, 以及所有权利的种族歧视, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded to or made available to students at the school. 我们不会因种族而歧视, color, 国家和民族出身, or religious background in the administration of our educational and admission policies, 金融援助, clubs, athletics, 或者其他程序.
澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 Tuition & Fees
Investing in a private school is a big decision that requires careful financial planning. 在我们的过程中你会发现, our families find great value in the education their child receives at 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 and the foundation we build together in partnership with the parents and the church. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 tuition payments are made to our tuition management company, FACTS. Each family has a billing account and can choose their preferred payment option (monthly, quarterly, or annually).
Scholarships & Programs
帮助家庭负担得起王国教育, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 (FA) is pleased to accept two of the Florida School Choice Scholarships under the Step Up for Students Program.
- The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC) and the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-EO)
- The Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (FES- UA)
你可以在Step Up网站上找到更多关于这两个奖学金的信息. 您将看到其他程序,但FA只接受列出的两个程序.
**Please note that Step Up has many different scholarship programs and 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 is currently set up to take only the FTC (income based) option.
- 这两个项目提供不同的资助金额. The FTC for the 2023-2024 school year average was just over $7,000, varying by grade. UA通常更多, 但由于奖学金的性质, please check with the school to determine if FA is able to meet the needs of the student. The family is responsible for paying the difference in the total tuition and fees minus what Step Up covers. 这可以按月、按季度或按年支付.
- 作为对“步步高升”接受者的礼遇, AF deducts the estimated funding amount of the tuition balance prior to receiving the funds. Step Up provides the estimated funding quarterly (September, November, February and April).
- 获得Step Up的奖励并不意味着获得资助. 资金来自Step Up的季度投资. If for any reason Step Up is unable to provide your child funding the unfunded amount will be reapplied to your FACTS account for remittance.
- Step Up will allow a parent apply for multiple scholarships for their child, Step up甚至会为一个孩子颁发多个奖学金, but SUFS only allows the parent to utilize funding from one of the awarded scholarships.
- Step Up UA considers parents private pay which means the private school does not have to manage those scholarship funds. The parent pays the school and then submits their FACTS payment recipients to Step UP UA for reimbursement. FA will be happy to assist those with UA by managing the scholarship funds to be deposited directly to FA, however, FA does reserve the right to request that parents stay as private pay and manage their child’s UA reimbursements.
- 如果你提供FA, 在FTC/FES-EO下为您的孩子提供的学生奖励ID, 然后决定切换到UA, 足协不会管理UA的资金. The estimated Step UP FTCC/FES-EO funds that would have been deducted from your FACTS account will be reapplied and you will pay FA for tuition/fees and get reimbursed by Step UP.
- 如果离婚的父母分担学费,他们的孩子就有了Step Up, FA will deduct the estimated Step UP funds from the full tuition amount and then divide the tuition equally into each parent’s FACTS account.
- 每个家长都可以为自己的孩子申请Step Up, 但Step Up计划只允许该学生获得一项资助, therefore, any Step Up award is applied to the full amount of tuition prior to being split.
- FA不接受由AAA组织管理的奖学金.
申请奖学金(你可以申请两种,但只能使用一种) 我们建议新学年一开学就去做.
Once your child has been offered admission to FA and you have completed all enrollment requirements, 发送获奖通知的截图 学生奖ID to
在FA完成Step Up的注册后, the parent must follow the steps to approve the deposits to FA before any tuition adjustments can be made to the FACTS account.
A parentally placed private school student with a disability does not have an individual right to receive some or all of the special education and related services that the student would receive if enrolled in a public school under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended.
学费援助 FAQs
适用于K - 12年级家庭有经济需要的学生, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 tuition assistance is offered through our third-party vendor, FACTS. We strive to make our school accessible to those who value the excellent Christian education and additional programs offered, however, 作为FHSAA的成员, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场不允许提供优秀奖学金, sports, 或者其他领域.
A: 是的,通过我们的第三方供应商 FACTS. Keep in mind that an application for admission should be completed at the same time as the application for financial aid, as a student will not be awarded aid unless they are being offered admission at FA.
A: Income information is required for both parents, even if they are in separate households.
A: The financial aid committee will review the aid recommendation from FACTS and make a final award determination based on the demonstrated need and the available financial aid funds.
A: 援助申请在每年的1月1日开放. A family should apply for aid when they submit an application for admission. 在夏季, please check with the finance office or admissions office on the availability of 学费援助 funds.
Ready to Tour Our School?
澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 has three incredible campuses to explore—all centered around quality Christian education. 从今天开始安排参观.
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在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场,我们有很多东西可以分享. Request more information today to get the full scope of what our school has to offer.